/BCO-DMO/LipidLubeCarbCycle/KN207-03_bottle --lat_start eq 61.6372-- Level 1

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# Niskin Bottle Data from cruise KN207-03
# PI: Kay Bidle (Rutgers)
# Version: 28 March 2013
# Note: BCO-DMO added cast,from
#    ime_start, lat_start, lon_start headers.   the CTD file headers.
cast  date_gmt  time_start  lat_start  lon_start  
67    20120703  2209        61.6372    -33.4407   
bottle  time_gmt  press_avg  press_sd  press_min  press_max  depth_avg  depth_sd  depth_min  depth_max  potemp   potemp2  sal       sal2       O2        O2_sat_pcnt  sigma_0  sigma_0_2  sigma_t  sigma_t_2  temp_avg  temp_sd  temp_min  temp_max  temp2_avg  temp2_sd  temp2_min  temp2_max  cond_avg  cond_sd   cond_min  cond_max  cond2_avg  cond2_sd  cond2_min  cond2_max  O2_v_avg  O2_v_sd  O2_v_min  O2_v_max  trans_avg  trans_sd  trans_min  trans_max  beam_c_avg  beam_c_sd  beam_c_min  beam_c_max  fluor_avg  fluor_sd  fluor_min  fluor_max  turbidity_avg  turbidity_sd  turbidity_min  turbidity_max  scan_avg  scan_sd  scan_min  scan_max  ISO_DateTime_UTC  
1       2216.18   13.769     0.445     13.203     14.552     13.637     0.441     13.077     14.413     10.9948  11.3353  34.9992   34.9757    6.86520   111.07477    26.7759  26.6952    26.7756  26.6949    10.9965   0.2057   10.5608   11.3861   11.3370    0.2196    10.8729    11.6206    3.904260  0.019247  3.863608  3.942822  3.934432   0.019614  3.893271   3.962287   2.5474    0.0076   2.5300    2.5544    88.6960    0.1972    88.1969    89.0709    0.4798      0.0089     0.4629      0.5024      3.1188     0.0893    2.9999     3.2709     0.6788730      0.0113215     0.6561685      0.7245446      11014     35       10954     11074     2012-07-03T22:16:11Z  
2       2216.28   14.176     0.335     13.426     14.606     14.040     0.332     13.297     14.466     11.2851  11.5320  34.9999   35.0079    6.69183   108.94003    26.7233  26.6837    26.7230  26.6834    11.2869   0.1847   10.7418   11.6391   11.5338    0.1278    11.2716    11.7692    3.932090  0.017155  3.882506  3.958574  3.956545   0.010797  3.938861   3.977932   2.5272    0.0089   2.5153    2.5446    89.1773    0.0819    89.0452    89.3280    0.4582      0.0037     0.4514      0.4641      2.3963     0.1125    2.1867     2.5017     0.6967340      0.0446218     0.6439585      0.7636166      11170     35       11110     11230     2012-07-03T22:16:17Z  
3       2216.45   13.784     0.214     13.487     14.215     13.651     0.211     13.358     14.079     11.6224  11.6435  35.0015   35.0049    6.61030   108.38354    26.6619  26.6605    26.6615  26.6602    11.6242   0.0235   11.5617   11.6589   11.6453    0.0209    11.5679    11.6985    3.964554  0.001961  3.958888  3.967048  3.966922   0.001777  3.962287   3.971605   2.5091    0.0023   2.5043    2.5129    89.2838    0.0939    89.0966    89.4051    0.4534      0.0042     0.4480      0.4618      2.2642     0.0246    2.2233     2.3039     0.6581060      0.0263689     0.6122125      0.7098926      11404     35       11344     11464     2012-07-03T22:16:27Z  
4       2216.57   13.732     0.400     13.204     14.437     13.601     0.396     13.077     14.299     11.5837  11.6108  35.0094   35.0068    6.61739   108.41658    26.6752  26.6682    26.6749  26.6679    11.5855   0.0330   11.5010   11.6232   11.6125    0.0204    11.5542    11.6882    3.961631  0.002396  3.956236  3.963890  3.963974   0.002117  3.957410   3.969989   2.5070    0.0016   2.5043    2.5105    89.2819    0.0261    89.2252    89.3280    0.4535      0.0012     0.4514      0.4560      2.2937     0.0242    2.2599     2.3405     0.6721929      0.0294156     0.6317485      0.7391966      11570     35       11510     11630     2012-07-03T22:16:34Z